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Children Developmental Stages
  The developmental stages listed below provide a benchmark against which children's general development could be measured. If the performance of the children lags far behind their peers, their parents should consult their medical doctor or arrange for a check at the Maternal and Child Health Centre to see if a referral should be made to Child Assessment Centre of the Department of Health for further assessment.
  0-1 year   |   1-2 years   |   2-3 years   |   3-4 years   |   4-5 years   |   5-6 years
  0-1 year

Intellectual Development
 Follow moving object with eye movement
Reach out and grasp musical or spinning objects
Look for objects that disappear from view
Turn his head to the direction of sound calling from behind
Put objects into and pour them out from a container
Reach out for toy that is far away from him (e.g. pull a toy car to himself with a rope)
Social & Emotional Development
Turn his face to or smile at approaching and familiar people
Reach for object, such as towel which covers an adult's face
Smile when playing hide-and-seek
Turn his head to the direction of name calling
Language Development
Locate the source of sound
Respond to his name
Communicate with people by making sound deliberately
Gross Motor Development
Press his hands against the floor when being held by his pelvic bones by adult (6 months)
Maintain his balance for 30 seconds when sitting on the floor and can reach for toys with both hands (7-8 months)
Be down on his knees and hands, and reach for toys (9 months)
Stand alone for 5 seconds (9-12 months)
Stand up from sitting posture with support of furniture (10-12 months)
Fine Motor Development
Reach for objects spontaneously
Grasp objects with his palm
Poke objects with index fingers
Take objects out and put them into container
Life Skills Development
Suck milk from bottle
Put food on spoon into mouth with both lips
Drink from cup held by adult
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  1-2 years

Intellectual Development
  Flip through picture books page by page
Explore interesting objects with hands (e.g. touching, patting, twisting)
Achieve goals with the aid of complex body movements
Understand the names of some objects
Point to not less than 3 important parts of body in response to naming
Put two pegs into holes
Solve problems by trial and error
Social & Emotional Development
Imitate motions or behaviors of others
Look at the direction pointed by adults
Greet people or share food if prompted by adults
Respond to simple situational commands, e.g. 'give me', 'sit down', 'get the toy for me'
Play with others in an interactive way, e.g. pushing ball
Language Development
Say single words, mainly objects, people and actions
Understand the names of objects
Understand situational commands
Understand collocations
Gross Motor Development
Climb up and down stairs by himself
Bend and pick up objects from the floor
Squat for 30 seconds
Walk steadily
Fine Motor Development
Put small objects into containers with his thumb and index finger
Build a tower of 2 bricks
Scribble with crayons
Tear objects apart with two hands
Put one circular cup into another circular cup
Life Skills Development
Put food into his mouth with fingers
Suck up liquid through a straw
Chew solid food
Use gestures or speech to show his toilet needs
Pull down his trousers with both hands
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  2-3 years

Intellectual Development
  Point out learnt picture by the name (e.g. orange, grape, bus, doll)
  Match 4 colors (e.g. red, yellow, blue, green)
Match 3 basic shapes
Line up 3 blocks horizontally by imitation
Count from 1 to 3
Tell the names of objects (e.g. flowers, the sun, ships)
Social and Emotional Development
Do simple housework in response to adults' instruction
Enjoy role play or hide-and-seek
Answer questions like 'what's your name?', 'how old are you?'
Identify community facilities, such as McDonald's, MTR stations
Language Development
Use adjectives, such as big/small, dirty/clean
Understand commands made up of two components, e.g. place the apple here
Understand simple questions, such as 'what is it?'
Say 2-3 words phrases, e.g. mum cut apples
Gross Motor Development
Jump forward by 4 inches without losing his balance
Jump over a rope which is 2-inch high
Jump from a platform which is 4-inch high
Move on a balance beam which is 6 inches in width by putting one foot in front of the other foot
Walk up one stair every two steps by himself
Fine Motor Development
Build a tower of 7 bricks
Thread 2 beads of 1.5 cm in diameter
Turn the pages of book one at a time
Hold crayon with first three fingers and draw circles by imitation
Life Skills Development
Pick up food with spoon from a bowl and eat
Drink from a cup alone without spilling it
Sit on the potty to empty his bladder or bowel
Undress simple clothing, e.g. socks, shoes, trousers, jackets
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  3-4 years

Intellectual Development
  Distinguish between boys and girls
Identify simple shapes, e.g. rectangle, square or circle
Identify common colors, e.g. red, yellow, green or blue
Count from 1 to 10
Achieve goals by means, e.g. cut oranges with knife
Know what is 'up' and what is 'down'.
Social and Emotional Development
Follow instructions, e.g. give mum the blocks
Say “Thank You” to others properly
Understand why others are angry or happy, e.g. his little brother is crying because he has lost his car
Answer questions about his family, e.g. 'where do you live?'
Language Development
Say phrases composed of 3 or more words, e.g. 'Dad goes to work by bus'
Use conjunctions, e.g. 'after that'
Ask different questions
Understand collective nouns, e.g. 'stationery', 'fruit'
Understand commands composed of 3 components, e.g. 'the dog wants a soft drink and vegetables'
Gross Motor Development
Stride over 1 foot
Run toward and kick a static ball for 5 feet
Throw a tennis ball for 3 feet
Walk for 10 feet while holding a tray by both hands without knocking down the cup on the tray
Fine Motor Development
Cut a strip of paper that is 5 cm in width with a pair of scissors
Draw a triangle by limitation
Draw lines within the boundary of 1 cm
Fasten big buttons with coordinated hand movements
Life Skills Development
Feed self with spoon neatly
Flush the toilet after use
Dress and undress simple clothing, e.g. socks, shoes
Turn on and off water tap
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  4-5 years

Intellectual Development
  Take out 1-10 items
Understand the meaning of "in front of", "behind" or "near"
Fill the missing numbers in 1-20
Identify common shapes, e.g. circle, square, triangle, star-shape, rectangle, heart-shape
Name the kind of colors up to 9
Social and Emotional Development
Relay simple messages, e.g. 'tell mum to bring a towel container next time'
Take part in role-playing games
Engage in group games that require turns taking
Language Development
Understand why things happen in daily life, e.g. why people have to drink water?
Enjoy jokes and riddles
Understand and recount simple stories
Engage in telephone conversation
Gross Motor Development
Stand on 1 foot for 5 seconds without losing his balance
Stride and jump forward for 2 feet
Jump with two feet over a fence with a height up to his knees
Catch an 8-inches plastic ball thrown from 6 feet away with both hands
Throw a tennis ball, which hits the wall 5 feet away after hitting the floor once
Fine Motor Development
Assemble small bricks that tightly fit together with two hands, e.g. Lego
Draw simple pictures by imitation, e.g. “+”, “X”
Cut with a pair of scissors along a straight line for 8 cm
Thread a rope with one hand through a pegboard panel held by another hand
Life Skills Development
Shove food into his mouth with chopsticks
Put on and take off T-shirts, underwear and other causal clothes
Twist a towel roughly and wipe his face
Brush his teeth and wash his mouth with clean water
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  5-6 years

Intellectual Development
  Draw simple pictures of people or animals, and tell the names of those pictures
Do addition and subtraction of numbers up to 5 by counting fingers
Select one piece or half a piece.
Tell his birthday
Grouping objects of the same nature, e.g. fruit, animal, clothing
Social and Emotional Development
Remain silent during learning activity on request by adult
Leave classroom only with consent of teacher
Finish task independently without close monitoring from adult
Language Development
Comprehend the speech of adult
Speak fluently with adult's sentence structure
Use reasoning to figure out why things happen, e.g. 'why did he walk so fast?'
Reason with the aid of language
Gross Motor Development
Stand on one leg and maintain balance for 10 seconds
Throw a tennis ball against the floor with one hand and use the same hand to catch the ball
Hop on one foot for 8 consecutive times (for both feet)
Hit a balloon upwards with alternate hands for 4 times
Hit a basketball with one single hand for 3 consecutive times
Fine Motor Development
Cut shapes out with scissors
Write words (such as flowers, dogs) within a square with sides of 2 cm in length.
Draw straight line of 10 cm in length with a ruler
Life Skills Development
Clean himself with toilet paper after emptying his bowels
Distinguish inside and outside, front and back, left and right sides of clothing
Take a bath and apply cream to his body on his own
Make the bed roughly
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Child Development & Parent Education
Child Developmental Stages
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