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Religion and Family Education

In the implementation of the project "Support Services for Family of Ethnic Minorities with Children of Special needs", we have access to a lot of South Asian families. From the experience, we are more aware of the uniqueness of different cultures, and gradually found a lot of South Asian religious culture has enormous impact of the family education. Pakistani family is one of the main ethnic minority groups that we accessed to, of which most of the Pakistan families are Muslim. Religion is not only the spiritual pillar of the Pakistani family, but also their life, family structure and family education.

The Pakistan Muslim family in Hong Kong has still retained the religious tradition and it shows that religion is deeply rooted in their family education, from generation to generation. Once in a workshop for Pakistani parents, a Pakistani parent has talked about how they teach their children and what are the principles, she said: "The Koran instructs us how to educate children." This sentence reflects Islam and family education has a close relationship.

Children growing up in Islamic families, regardless of gender (about five years old) accept strict religious training, including reading the Koran, go to mosques and prayer. In addition to religious practice by reading Koran, it also becomes their living habits and core values of family education. Koran contains most of the rules of life and the rights and responsibilities of different roles, such as marriage, birth, family relationships, parents, spouses, children and ethics. For example, children are required to be filial to parents according to the Koran . "I ordered filial piety, and his mother endured sufferings of his birth and fertility ….." ("Koran" Chapter 46, 15). Therefore, the children who have received early childhood religious practice gradually learn what behavior and moral standards will comply with religious rules. Parents also teach their children to ensure they meet the religious norms of conduct. For example, women in Islam has the role to handle housework and take care of their families. Therefore, parents normally teach daughters to do housework and take care of their families. The role of religion has specifies some of the expectations and responsibilities of parents as well, including teaching their children discernment of truth and religious morality, or after death would go to hell. Children are required to respect and not refute parents. In general,family education is not only affected by religion, but also by parents’ personality, educational background and other environmental factors.

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