Lady wellness group 2.0
As the shcool term starts, we resume our lady wellness group on thursday morning every other week. We are pleased to hear parents sharing on their feelings and personal experience. This month, we made our own pouch from cloth so that we can make a bag to keep our personal stuff.
Parent Yoga Group & Babysitting sessions
Thanks to the sponsors form Zonta Club of Hong Kong East, we are delighted to invite Miss Pooja from Prajna Yoga again. During the sessions, not only can the parents enjoy yoga, but they can also share about their discovery during the process. The sessions were also enriched by a singing bowl sharing session from one of our parents too. Moreover, with the help of our multicultural volunteers, parents can feel free to drop their child here to enjoy yoga.
Aromatherapy workshops
Thanks again to Zonta Club of Hong Kong East for sponsoring us, we were able to conduct two lip balm DIY workshops for parents. During the sessions, we are happy to see parents raise questions on their hair and skin - getting more aware of their personal well-being!